Vazdimet Studios LLC in the Media


Strixxline World Reading

Strixxline's Twitch || July 2023

Strixxline read several of Vazdimet's worldbuilding articles on stream (Ada Lynx on 14 July, and Mark of Devotion on 21 July), alongside other SummerCamp worldbuilding articles from the WorldAnvil Community. 

WorldAnvil Worldbuilding Awards

Vazdimet's WorldAnvil || March 2023

Vazdimet's WorldAnvil website was a finalist for "Most Beautiful World" in WorldAnvil's 2022 Worldbuilding Awards.

Creating a Community

Vazdimet's Discussion Boards || 30 October, 2021

Vazdimet's use of discussion boards to interact with our community via Live Fiction was featured on WorldAnvil's Blog as one of several ways to effectively use the Discussion Board feature.

Check out Vazdimet's Discussion Boards and immerse yourself in the characters and locations of the universe. Posting requires a (free!) WorldAnvil account.

Foundations of Worldbuilding

Vazdimet's Worldbuilding Meta || 1 October, 2021

The Meta detailing Vazdimet's foundation was featured on WorldAnvil's blog as one of several examples for other worldbuilders on effective Meta writing.

Read Vazdimet's Meta, or skip straight to the world introduction that built off these themes and Explore the Universe of Vazdimet.

Morgan Biscup, Founder and Lead Author

Best SFF With Moral Dilemmas

Shepherd || 24 June 2024

Morgan Biscup had the opportunity to write up some of her favorite Science Fiction and Fantasy books exploring moral dilemmas and perspective changes. Take a look here!

The Problem With Book 2

WorldAnvil's Twitch || 17 May 2024

Morgan Biscup joined Janet Forbes and Kat Bradbury of World Anvil, and Trip Galey, author of Market of Dreams and Destiny, to talk about the joys and tribulations of writing book two in a series.

Friday Night Writes: Launch Party

WorldAnvil Twitch || 17 November 2023

Morgan Biscup joined Janet Forbes, Founder and CEO of World Anvil, to talk about the launch of In Spite of the Inevitable, and the role of World Anvil and the WA community in the process.

Worldbuilder to Published Author

World Anvil's Blog || 17 November 2023

Morgan Biscup wrote a guest blog post for the World Anvil blog, talking about her experiences with writing and building a community, with tips on how to leverage those same opportunities for yourself.

Co-Writing with Morgan Biscup

A. Dani's Twitch || 13 November 2023

Morgan Biscup joined A. Dani on her Twitch channel to talk about publishing In Spite of the Inevitable, and join in some word sprints. Special mention to the impromptu "Therapy with Shane" toward the end.

Can We Make Editing Fun?

WorldAnvil Twitch || 24 September 2023

A. Dani and Morgan Biscup spoke on World Anvil's weekly Sunday stream with Moro, talking about ways to survive - and even enjoy! - the editing process. Topics included editing processes, interpreting feedback, and maintaining joy in your work.

Campfire: Technomagic Systems

Campfire Writing Blog || 05 July2023

Morgan Biscup's post, How I Write: Believable Technology, was mentioned on Campfire's writing blog as a useful read on creating setting-enhancing custom technologies. 

The article also digs into different ways creators have blended the lines between technology and magic - one of Morgan's favorite worldbuilding subjects. Taylor Frymier has written an assortment of other fascinating dives into magic, including different ways to write about Necromancy.

(For those seeking behind the scenes insight into the development of Vazdimet's magic system, Morgan has a second article, How I Write: Cohesive Magic, including tips and tricks that may prove useful in your own writing.)

Sunday Stream: Timelines

WorldAnvil Twitch || 28 May 2023

Morgan Biscup meets with Moro to discuss how she uses Timelines in her novel writing and worldbuilding, as well as other thoughts on using WorldAnvil's Timelines and Chronicles for gaming and other creative pursuits.

Social Media Infographic: Friday Night Writes

Friday Night Writes: Making Time

WorldAnvil Twitch || 21 October, 2022

Morgan Biscup shares tips on finding time for writing with Janet Forbes on WorldAnvil's regular Friday Night Writes series, a weekly writing sprint event covering an array of topics.

Screengrab: M H Biscup presenting on the user journey of Vazdimet

User Journey: Vazdimet

WorldAnvil Sage Seminar || 21 May, 2022

Morgan Biscup joined Janet Forbes and Dimitris Havlidis to workshop the user journey of Vazdimet's WorldAnvil pages. (Videos of this presentation are available to WorldAnvil Sage+ Subscribers).

E V Turnbull, Author

Other Projects: Etrea

Etrea is E V Turnbull's personal writing project, a fantasy world striving to discover the future, while grappling with the long shadow of their forgotten past.

Social Media Infographic: Friday Night Writes

Friday Night Writes: Story Ideas

WorldAnvil Twitch || 21 September, 2022

E V Turnbull discusses developing story ideas with Janet Forbes on WorldAnvil's regular Friday Night Writes series, a weekly writing sprint event covering an array of topics.

Screengrab: E V Turnbull talking about Etrea

Brave New World: Etrea

WorldAnvil Twitch || 9 September, 2022

In this interview with Dimitris Havlidis, CTO of WorldAnvil, E V Turnbull dives into the lore and worldbuilding behind one of their other writing projects, Etrea. Check it out!

Writing Realistic Characters

WorldAnvil Twitch || July 2022

E V Turnbull speaks with WorldAnvil's SecondHand Samurai (Andi) on how to create characters for writing and worldbuilding, including how to avoid overused archetypes, and methods to get into their heads to add depth.

They also share some behind-the-scenes on our work with The Hands of Destinee trilogy.

Screengrab: E V Turnbull on a panel to discuss building a writing habit

Building a Daily Writing Habit

WorldAnvil Twitch || 29 May, 2022

E V Turnbull (Serukis) participates in a roundtable discussion with several other writers from WorldAnvil, discussing how to build a daily writing habit.

A. Dani, Editing and Marketing

Other Projects: Luridity

Luridity is A. Dani's personal writing project. Enter a cyberpunk dystopian romance, where love is love and life is lived.

Productivity for Creatives

WorldAnvil Sage Seminar || 18 November, 2023

A. Dani gave a private presentation to WorldAnvil Sages on productivity techniques for creatives, including methods of organization, writing to do lists, and ways to kickstart the brain into excitement about the tasks ahead. (Videos of this presentation are available for WorldAnvil Sage+ Subscribers.)

Giving and Receiving Feedback

WorldAnvil Twitch || 06 August, 2023

A. Dani (DaniAdventures) presented alongside several other talented authors, discussing important topics such as how to know what kind of feedback to provide in different scenarios, when to listen to feedback, ways to handle difficult feedback, and whether or not Chris is the invisible woman.

Screengrab: Dani Adventures discussing her background in editing

Editing Your Manuscript

WorldAnvil Sage Seminar || 19 November, 2022

A. Dani gave a private presentation to WorldAnvil Sages to discuss the differences between Self-Editing and Professional Editing, and provide some insights on how to effectively self-edit your manuscripts. (Videos of this presentation are available for WorldAnvil Sage+ Subscribers.)

Screengrab: Dani Adventures cracking a joke with Janet

Friday Night Writes: Novel Worlds

WorldAnvil Twitch || 14 October, 2022

A. Dani joins Janet Forbes of WorldAnvil for Friday Night Writes, providing her personal insights - as both author and editor - into worldbuilding when writing novels.

Screengrab: Dani Adventures discussing how to set realistic goals, with Andi

Setting Manageable Goals

WorldAnvil Twitch || 21 July, 2022

A. Dani joins Secondhand Samurai (Andi) of WorldAnvil, sharing her knowledge as a professional goal coach and editor to provide guidance on converting current projects into manageable goals. You'll also catch her talking about her own personal project, Luridity.

Screengrab: Dani having a lot of fun talking about Overwhelm

Fighting Overwhelm

WorldAnvil Sage Seminar || 22 May, 2021

A. Dani discussed tactics on how to fight Overwhelm, overcome Imposter Syndrom, and get things done. (Videos of this presentation are available for WorldAnvil Sage+ Subscribers.)

TJ Trewin, Book Cover Artist

Other Projects: Melior

Melior is TJ Trewin's personal worldbuilding project, a fantasy world forcefully introduced to magic during an apocalyptic invasion. The inhabitants of Melior find themselves questioning their old traditions and faiths as they struggle to rebuilding amidst the new dangers of everyday life.

Designing the Unforgettable

WorldAnvil Sage Seminar || 16 September 2023

TJ Trewin gave a private presentation to WorldAnvil Sages on using CSS to design website visuals on the WorldAnvil, providing his insight and experience with CSS and graphic design. (Videos of this presentation are available for WorldAnvil Sage+ Subscribers.)

Where to Start: CSS

WorldAnvil Twitch || 3 September 2023

TJ Trewin joined Stormbril and Moro on World Anvil's Sunday stream to discuss creating custom CSS themes.

Screengrab: TJ discussing a portion of his world, with Dimitris

Brave New Worlds: Melior

WorldAnvil Twitch || 12 November, 2022

In this interview with Dimitris Havlidis, CTO of WorldAnvil, TJ Trewin dives into the lore and worldbuilding behind his personal writing project, Melior.

Worldbuilding with TJ Trewin

Timepool Twitch || 21 November, 2021

TJ Trewin discusses his Worldbuilding Planner - including his personal tips and tricks for planning his worldbuilding and keeping himself accountable - on stream with Timepool. If you enjoy writing, worldbuilding, or both, definitely check it out.

(Timepool is also the artist behind the Vazdimet and Fillimet logos, as well as the art backgrounds on this site.)