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Free Vazdimet Books by Morgan Biscup

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No Way Home, by Morgan Biscup

Book cover for "No Way Home" by Morgan Biscup, showing a bloodstained metal chair with a window to the stars behind it.

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Join our mailing list, and receive a free copy of No Way Home, a 9.7k word prequel to In Spite of the Inevitable.

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In Spite of the Inevitable, by Morgan Biscup

Book Cover for "In Spite of the Inevitable," by Morgan Biscup, showing a stern-faced orange-eyed man wearing janitorial coveralls and nametag "Shane," clutching a mop in one hand and a gold chain in the other. The hand with the gold chain has black smoke with white stars wrapping around it, while a bright-colored insect whispers in his ear. A reflection of a white wolf with yellow eyes in full white and brown dress uniform growls over his other shoulder, while a blue and teal planet with stars behind is visible through the window.

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Spirits of the Relentless, by Morgan Biscup

Book Cover for "In Spite of the Inevitable," by Morgan Biscup. A stern-faced man stares at a fruit held in his fist, with glowing golden magic rising from the fruit. A scientific device with a large screen is strapped to his waist. A tree is visible in the background, with many red flowers at its base and dangling pink flowers above, forming hidden faces.

Advanced Review Copy

A limited number of Advanced Review Copies are still available. If you enjoy it, consider leaving a review!

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Mercy, by Morgan Biscup

Book Cover for "Mercy," by Morgan Biscup. A fair skinned woman with amber hair and bright red dress stares at the camera as she walks down a cold, stone staircase. Behind her, a barren, rusty red planet is visible through the large windowed stone arch. The words "The romance died long ago. The rest wasn't quite so obliging," is visible beneath the title.

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Join our mailing list, and receive a free copy of Mercy, a 4k word standalone short set in the universe of Vazdimet.

Coming 2025

Ambitions of Atonement, by Morgan Biscup

Beta Reader Copy

Beta Reader Copy in 2025.